Afghan Logistics Tours - Testimonial

The Leading Travel, Tourism & Logistics Services Company in Afghanistan

Client's testimonials


June 03, 2024 Dear Afghan Logistics & Tours Staff, I have returned to Japan. Thank you for providing me with a wonderful trip to Afghanistan. The wonderful scenery in Istalif. The historical culture in Kabul. It was more moving than I expected. I would like to write about my joy and share it as soon as possible. I would like to visit your country again if I have the opportunity. I wish your staff continued success in the future. T.Kimura

Dávid Dankó

April 29, 2024 Dear Muqim Jamshady I hope you are doing fine. I’m sure that Mr Najeeb has informed you but I’d also like to let you know that we are back from Panjshir. These two days have been excellent, we enjoyed the tour very much. Many thanks and best wishes Dávid Dankó

Haroon Niazi

April 21, 2024 Dear Muqim Jamshady Thank you very much for reaching out. Hope you are doing good as well. I am pleased to inform you that I have been quite satisfied with the 4Runner rental. The rental period, from 14.04.2024 until today, went smoothly, and overall, I am satisfied with the experience. However, In case i do have some suggestions for improvement, I would share with your colleague at the Kabul office during the rental return process. Once again, thank you for your assistance and providing a reliable service. It has been a pleasure to use your services. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week ahead Haroon Niazi


June 8, 2021 Dear Muqim,Hakim Home sweet home… I am back in Warsaw now, healthy, and happy. I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your professional work. The program prepared by you has fulfilled my requirements. I got acquainted with the history and today’s Kabul life and saw many places of interest. The Kabul sightseeing team provided excellent services. I felt safe, comfortable, and full of joy. Say hello to my driver and security man. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll send my friends to Afghanistan (maybe combined with Iran). If it is a case, I shall definitely let you know. With best wishes, Kris

Professor A.R. Littlewood

February 16, 2020 Dear Muqim, Recently I spent a few days based in Kabul but with daily excursions in different directions outside the city.  Afghanistan is an extraordinarily beautiful country, even the small amount that I saw, and my only regret was that I did not arrange for more extensive travels in the country including visits to significant historical and architectural sites.  I was taken around by a very well-informed guide, an extremely good driver and a very experienced armed guide.  Interestingly, most of the check-points on the roads were to verify that this last mentioned of my companions had all the necessary documentation to carry a weapon rather than to worry about me, the foreigner.  My companions were extraordinarily kind and helpful and we very soon made friends, joked with and teased each other.  In general, I found the Afghans, both in and outside Kabul, very polite and friendly.  I never thought myself threatened. The owner of Afghan Logistics and Tours, Mr Muqim Jamshady, is probably the most efficient tour operator with whom I have ever had dealings, and certainly the most prompt in replying to my many questions and problems.  It is no wonder that his employees regard him so highly. With best wishes, Professor A.R. Littlewood. From Canada

Morgane JK

October 23, 2019 Hi Muqim, I hope you are doing well. I send you this email to share my experience in Afghanistan with your company. I spent an amazing week! I was really sad to leave. Basir in Herat, Hakim, Safir, and Abdullah (sorry if I don’t write correctly names) were really nice, friendly with me and provided a great service. I learned so much talking with them. I tried my best to behave accordingly with your culture and they helped a lot :) I have nothing to complain about, everything was perfect for me. You take care of your guests and can be proud of your hospitality. The places we went to were so beautiful and interesting. I never slept in the car so I could see every street, house, person ...and learn even more. The food was so tasty, the people very friendly. I was sad to see so many poor persons I would have liked to help. Your people are so strong, they work hard and they deserve so much. I respect that a lot. And your country is so beautiful; the nature, the mountains...I will remember this travel all my life. I wish Afghanistan to find peace, you can be sure I will try to convince my friends to come to visit. I wish you all the best in life for you and your families, and thank you again so much. Morgane From France


January 27,2018 Muqim, I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful trip. I’ve been to 55 countries but Afghanistan was my favorite trip. I plan on coming again and I’ll certainly be using your guises. Mobin made a video of me giving a recommendation for your company. Please feel free to post the video on your YouTube channel. Matt


October 9, 2017 Dear Muqim, Just wanted to thank you for the arrangement. Clients enjoyed themselves and everything went well. Guide, driver and security guard are good. I will be in touch with you to arrange next year's tour. Many Thanks, Ming

Wina Smartmatic

June 6, 2017 Dear Afghan Logistics Tours, I would like to share my good experience with the service of B6 Armored Vehicle Rental provided by your team. I find that overall service provided is very satisfactory. The experience from service inquiry, reservation, payment, and days during the operational services are very well run. I am glad to have Mr. Hakim as our driver. Mr. Hakim has consistently provided good service throughout these past months. He communicates well, responsible, and our interaction was fluent. I wish you continue success and hope to meet with your team again. Best Regards, Wina, Smartmatic Inc


February 7, 2016 I want to say a huge big thank you for allowing me to join my son, Johnny Ward, in Kabul last week. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and i hope and pray i will return to Afghanistan again soon. I was so impressed by the fortitude of your people, who are living with the stresses and strains of a war situation, their determination to carry on as normal is incredible, and so commendable. I have so much admiration for your courage. Your team, who looked after us, led by Najeeb, were absolutely wonderful. At all times they were so efficient and professional, but also friendly and approachable. I had total confidence in their ability to look after us. So again, thank you so so much, Muqim, for everything.I hope we can meet if and when I return to Afghanistan, but If you ever come to Ireland, I hope I can return your generosity. Wishing you and your staff all my best regards Maura (Ward)


February 2, 2016 A trip to what people often think is the world's most dangerous country. Afghanistan showed us that the media only tells one small side of this gorgeous country, amazing people and beautiful scenery. I can't wait to go back and explore further. Thanks so much to Afghan Logistics & Tours Pvt.Co.Ltd ALT / for keeping us safe and planning an awesome trip. Thanks, Johnny Johnny Director - One Step 4Ward

NIMA Project

December 20, 2015 Dear Jamshady Saheb and All I would like to thank you for your outstanding service in the last two weeks and my apologies for any inconvenience from my side during this time as it was my first experience with Afghan logistics / Future Bright on renting armored vehicles. I am sure this experience will help us both next time when we need your services again during the next two years. Thanks again. Walid Fazly Director of Logistics and Security NIMA Project | Ball State University


25 January, 2013 Mr. Jamshady Your driver Nawab did an excellent job of taking care of me about 3 weeks ago when he drove me to Bagram air field. Last night, Nawab again went out of his way to help me when I came out of the main gate of the Kabul military air field. There was a big mix-up with the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, which had sent a car to pick me up. That car was at the wrong gate. I thought the institute had sent Nawab to get me. When we figured out the confusion, Nawab stayed with me until the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies car arrived and I was safe. Obviously, though I wasn't Nawab's customer that night, he nevertheless took great care of me. It is a testimony to his noble spirit and also to your company's integrity. My sincere thanks to Nawab and to you for your leadership. Sincerely, Douglas Wissing Douglas A. Wissing

Best. Douglas

31 December, 2012 Thank you, Muqim Jamshady Yes, I would like for your driver to take me to Bagram. Please have him pick me up. I will look for him in Parking Lot C. Will he have a sign with my name on it? Do I need to call your office before I go out to Parking Lot C? I will be carrying my US cell phone with international service, but am not sure if it will work in Kabul. If it does not work, is there a local phone in the airport to call you? Another question: How much money should I pay the airport porters to carry my large bag?


15 August, 2012 Hi Muqim, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and Afghan Logistics and Tours for a fantastic time in Afghanistan. As you know I am deeply interested inthe afghan people and wanted very much to visit you as research for one of my books. Thank you so much for the conversation we had as it helped me learn a lot about your culture. Also a huge thank you to both the guides Najeeb and Abdullah. My heart goes out to Najeeb and his family and I do hope he's doing okay. Abdullah was also of great help and the conversations with him was exactly what I needed. A big thanks to the terrific driver and security guard. They were extremely professional and great at what they do. I hope I get the chance to visit again soon and explore Afghanistan once more.


20 October, 2012 Hi Muqim - happy the trip went well. Many thanks. I am very happy I use Afghan Logistics for my trips in Afghanistan. All the best,

Tom Wide

25 March, 2012 Dear Mr Muqim Jamshady, My name is Tom Wide and I was recently working as Producer on a BBC film with Ann Morrison (from the company MacTV) in Kabul. Many thanks to Afghan Logistics on making our filming such a success. We found you to be most professional and efficient. Best wishes, Tom Wide from the company MacTV

Johnny Hopper

04 July 2011 Hi Muqim I am now on my way home but wanted to drop you a quick note to say THANK YOU so much for my time in Afghanistan. The trip exceeded all my expectations and Mobin, Najmudin and Shireen were brilliant company I don't think I can thank you enough. Cheers,


13 June 2011 Hi Muqim Thank you again. You guys are the best. I recommend you to everyone. I will call you again when we leave around July 15.


02 June 2011 Hello Muqim How are you? I have been meaning to contact you to say thank you for looking after myself and Richard when we came over to Kabul. You made our stay so comfortable and easy. I really enjoyed my first visit to Afghanistan and Afghan Logistics certainly contributed greatly to my happy time! I hope business is going well and that the fleet of new 4x4 have helped. I have a friend called Jim Shearing who is coming over to Kabul in a few weeks time and he wants to go to the Panjshir - he is a gem dealer. It will be his first time in Afghanistan. So I have recommended that he gets in touch with you as he wants to be driven around. I hope that is all right. I look forward very much to returning to Kabul and I hope it wont be too long! Please say hello to all your staff from me! With best wishes.

Gianni Burgener

04 May 2011 Hello Muqim I am back in Switzerland after a two week trip in Afghanistan and I want to say thank you for your and Afghan Logistic's assistance and hospitality during the whole trip. I also want to thank our guide Mobin, our driver Najmudin and our guard Sherin; they are great guys and it was fun travelling with them. Again, thank a lot and please say hello to Mobin and all the staff who supported us during our trip. I look forward very much to returning to Kabul and I hope it wont be too long! Best regards Gianni Burgener (Switzerland)

Bruno Correa

26 April 2011 Hello Muqim Hello. I've been meaning to write you for several months to thank you for a wonderful stay in Afghanistan. I'm sorry payment was difficult and I had trouble arriving in Mashhad, but I really enjoyed myself and would love to return soon. I especially wanted to comment on how great Sultani and the driver were. Sultani was very kind and knowledgeable and I had a great time with him. I forgot the driver's name but he was also excellent and spoke English perfectly. It made a big difference being able to communicate with both the guide and driver. I hope you hire them again because they are both outstanding. Thanks again for everything..

Ahmad shah


Stephen Epley

02 December 2010 Muqim, I would like to extend a Thank You to the wonderful service your employees provided. The driver, guard and interpreter were all very professional and knew their jobs well. I will be recommending your company to others. I will also be in need of your company’s service 2 more times in the next two months. I do not yet have dates that I will need to go to Kabul, but I will contact you as soon as I do. Thanks again, Steve Stephen Epley Area Lead - Afghanistan North Telecommunication Systems Inc.

Khoda Hafez

25 October 2010 Dear Muqim, I'm back in Sydney now but wanted to write and say a big thank you for the fantastic hospitality you extended me and the care with which you helped put together my experience in Afghanistan. I saw more than I could have hoped and everyone I spent time with was so welcoming that my time there was a pleasure. I'm already thinking about when I might be able to come back. Thanks again and please stay in touch. Tashakor and khoda hafez, Graham


19 September 2010 Dear Muqim, I land at 16:05 on the Fly Dubai flight FZ301 on Tuesday 21 Sept. Please advise which parking lot I should meet the driver in, the driver number and how I can identify him. I've used your company before, and I have recommended you to everyone I know. You have a very professional operation and a lot to be proud of. All the best,

Karel Uhlir

14 September 2010 Dear Mr. Muqim, thank you once again for excellent services provided during our recent stay in Afghanistan. All arrangements were very well organized and went very smoothly. Mr Mobin was very helpful and he was an excellent driver as well. The same comes to Mr Najib who provided not only safe driving but also very good security. And I cannot forget Mr Mohammed Shareen who was also very professional not only in the field of security but also hospitality. As a small group we really enjoyed services of ALT and definitely we all are looking forward to meet with all those friends when we come back next time. Tashakkor ! Karel Uhlir INTENSIVE travel Praha

Carl Delfin

27 August 2010 Hello Mr. Muqim!, I just wanted to let you know I am safe at home and the trip went well. Thank you so much for this incredible trip, I will never forget it! Please say hello and thanks to all the guides and drivers, they were very good. I just wish I could have stayed longer. If you hear about any security-related job openings, let me know! Also, would you please give my e-mail address to Mike so I can send him a thanks as well? Thank you and hopefully we will meet again!

John Casson

15 August 2010 "Dear Muqim, Having returned safely to the UK I am writing to you a thank you together with a testimonial which you are welcome to show future potential clients of Afghan Logistics. As President of Securewest International, a leading global security provider and as a former police officer I appreciate a professional and safe/secure service. During my recent two week visit to Afghanistan I visited Kabul, Jalalabad, Bamiyan and Herat on a project with a colleague to take photographs for a book to raise money for both UK and Afghanistan charities who assist victims of the present conflict in your country. Each location had its security and safety risks as did getting between those locations. I was very impressed by the service your company Afghan Logistics provided. Your drivers Wahid and Najib were amongst the best drivers I have had drive me anywhere worldwide. At no time did their driving concern me, in fact I had every confidence in them, at times the roads were very challenging. Furthermore they were very helpful and courteous, I would appreciate you passing on my thanks to them. Your armed security guard, Shareen, was one of the best security guards I have had protect me, an accolade in deed as I have excellent security guards in my company. He remained alert at all times, was well aware of everything going on around us and protected us very well, I had every confidence in him. I would be grateful if you would extend my thanks to him. I was impressed by your awareness of current security risks and terrorist attacks which assisted in the careful planning of our different journeys ensuring our safety in the final travel plans, thank you Muqim, very assuring. I will be returning to Afghanistan and would not hesitate to contract Afghan Logistics again, aware that others are travelling to Afghanistan, I have recommended your organisation. Thank you and best wishes " John Casson President Securewest International

J Marrie Nunn

10 Febuary 2010 "Muqim, I would like to thank you very much for your assistance. Both the driver and the guard were very polite and looked out for us. We do appreciate their professionalism and would like to give them our greatest thanks I must return to Kabul in the near future and would like to utilize these gentlemen's services again at that time if at all possible. Again thank you for what you and your team provide, it is wonderful to be able to feel comfortable and confident in you and your peoples abilities. Thank you very much! Sincerely" Marrie J Marrie Nunn TeleCommunication Systems Bagram Air Field APO AE 09354

Patrick Van

29 December 2009 "Hello It's Patrick. I hope you remember me. It's been awhile. I hope your all good. I'm in Canada at the moment and broke my foot, for the rest i'm ok. I promised you to write a report about my journey i did with you in Afghanistan. I've been planning to write this since i got back to Australia, but sometimes it is hard to find the right words. Because my experience in Afghanistan was one of a kind. From the moment that i arrived in Afghanistan untill the moment that i left, i felt that i was in a complete different world. Something that i had never seen before and most likely never ever will in any other country in the world. The incredible landscape of vast mountains topped with snow, the uge open area's of the shibar pass to the awe-inspiring lakes of band e-amir, that seem out of this world so beautifull. Not one country can offer such different landscapes in the world. Words are not able to describe it. The true beauty of Afghanistan for me are the Afghan people. They suprised me in every way. Their Hearts are so colourfull, warm, open and most of all inviting. To me they can tell a hundred stories. I even consider to learn the language to be able to fully communicate with them. The Afghan people are full of joy, happiness and hope. They inspired me to change myself. And many people in this world could learn from them in my opinion. The country in a whole is inspiring. It is in my mind every moment. I look at the pictures i took almost every day. I go trough my memories and see the best trip that i've ever done. The people of Afghan Logisics are wonderful, and very helpful. It is because of you all that i had this wonderful and amazing trip. You helped me to interact with people, showed me all these amazing places. I felt safe and completely at peace. I even got invited for a dinner at a Turkmen home near Andchoi. A memorie that i will cherrish forever. To all the guides that went with me, you where very professional And made me feel like part of a family. I will remember you for my entire life. Many thanks to you all for the amazing journey that you gave me. I can honestly say that i will be back in the next couple of years. Maby even earlier, and i be looking forward to see you all again. I also would like to say a few words to anyone who might read this: Go and see Afghanistan. I'm Dutch, i lived in Australia, New-zealand, and am currently based in Canada. I have had the luck to travel a bit and see a few countries. When i told my friends and family that i was going to Afghanistan they declared me insane. People world-wide have a view of this country that is incorrect. Afghanistan is a beautiful, warm and friendly place. For the entire time that i was there i felt safe, and most important i felt that i was welcome. The people and the country opened up to me in a way nobody has ever done before. When i left i had tears in my eyes. I was crying. I felt that i had found a home away from home. I made friends that feel like family. I compare Afghanistan with every other country that i've ever been in. None of them come close to the beauty of Afghanistan in any way. It is a place that i hold close in my heart forever. I will be coming back and i hope that the world will open up and many people will follow to see this great and beautiful country and it's people. Kind Regards, "

Dmitri Markine

19 December 2009 "Hi Muqim, Here's my feedback, in case you'd like to use it for your site. Cheers. -------- I used Afghan Logistics during my stay in Afghanistan and it was a pleasure from the start to the end. I was taken care of and felt like I was a friend rather than a client. Everyone I met was extremely friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to use your services again when I'll come back. -------- Best Regards" Dmitri Markine Canada Photographer,

No Name

19 December 2009 "Muqim, Again, thank you for your exceptional assistance in Kabul. Whalid did a superb job for us. Best Regards"


05 July 2009 "Hello Muqim How are you? This is to let you know that i'm back in Australia. I had a safe trip. Thanks again for the amazing time you and everybody else gave me in Afghanistan. I will write a full report for Mobin. He asked me to do so, and i will do it with great love. It feels strange for me to be back here in Australia. I hope to see you and everybody in the near future. Wish you well. Many thanks again. Kind regards, "

Pietro Poretti

28 June 2009 "Dear Muqim, Thanks again for the excellent support during our visit to Afghanistan. Please extend my regard to our guides and drivers in Heart and Kabul. Best regards, "

David and Jamie

01 June 2009 "Dear Afghan Logistics & Tours Just a short note from London to say thank you, and your colleagues, for all your hard work, friendship and insight during our recent visit to Afghanistan. Just as on our previous visit, it was a pleasure to work with you and your help was vital to us. We hope that your knee is improving with the help of the bandages and we shall bring some more on our next visit. Please give our kind regards to Muqim and say that, as requested, I will be in touch with him prior to our next trip. Best Wishes to you and your family."

Mr. Marion

27 May 2009 "Hello Muqim -- Thank you for organising such a perfect trip for me in Afghanistan. Too brief but, as things stand now, just right. All that I saw (and photographed) was a delightful glimpse of daily life very far from the continuing dreary headlines. I very much appreciate the thoughtful care of Abdullah and Najib on the Bamiyan trip and of your two drivers in Kabul. Apropos, leaving Kabul, the airport commander very kindly helped me bypass some of the waiting-in-line. I am sure that was out of respect for Afghan Logistics rather than for one elderly tourist! Unfortunately, the flight to Dubai was delayed. I got there after midnight and via Kamair. But I am home, beginning to edit my photos, and all is well. Attached are six photos, as promised, of Abdullah and Najib. I will be back in touch when I have other photos online and a story written. With thanks again for my wonderful visit and warm regards to you all ."

Gerhard Helskog

13 April 2009 "Dear Mr. Muqim Jamshady I would like to thank you for all your good help during our week of reporting in Kabul. Mr. Mobin was a wonderful fixer and guide for us. I will recommend Afghan Logistics to anyone. We sure look forward to work with you another time. All the best"

Mr. Helge Luraas

23 January 2009 "Hello, My name is Helge Luraas. I used your company to my great satisfaction in December. Give my special regards to Abdullah, who took me on informative and pleasant tours to Panjshir and Kabul city. I will return to Kabul Thursday 29 January. Would it be possible for you to pick me up at the airport at 1340? I will arrive by PIA from Islamabad. The next days I would be using your services for transports within the city." Mr. Helge Luraas Adviser Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Halima Kazem

04 January 2009 Dear Muqim jan, Thank you for the great service Afghan Logistics provided for me during my stay in Kabul last month. Kand Agha was very professional and careful driver. I would be happy to have him work with me again in the future. I also appreciate Wahid jan's efforts in booking my Kam Air ticket to Herat and making the last minute change to my ticket from Kabul to Dubai. I have always recommended Afghan Logistics to my colleagues and will continue to do so. Halima Kazem, Amnesty International - International Secretariat Afghanistan Researcher Asia Division

Kristin Henderson

23 November 2008 "Thank you again for the excellent service while I was in Kabul. I'll be sure to recommend Afghan Logistics to anyone traveling to Afghanistan. Best wishes " Kristin Henderson

Martin Elling

05 September 2008 "Dear Muqim- Below are some photos I had promised to forward to Mubin. I wanted to thank you for arranging a wonderful visit to your country. Mubin was a wonderful guide and travel companion. He tried to help me understand the history, culture, and current affairs of Afghanistan. I wish you all well and hope that thinks develop in a way that I can return soon with friends to visit other parts of Afghanistan. Cheers.

Blair Kangley

09 July 2008 Hi, Muqim - Greetings again...I hope all is going well for you (and everyone there) at Afghan Logistics. I just wanted to say hi again and - a bit belatedly - to say how much I appreciated your help with my visit last March. And - of course - please let Mobin know - again - how much I appreciated his help, his company, and his humor during my visit. Please pass along my greetings to him...and I hope he's got his new camera setup by now! I also wanted you (and Mobin!!) to know that I'm still VERY interested in a return trip. Mobin and I had talked about the possibility of trekking in the Wakhan/Badakhshan area. Although I can't make it back to visit *this* summer, I wanted Mobin to know that I'm still very interested in seeing the area. BUT - maybe even more than visiting the Wakhan area - I am really interested in coming back and spending time photographing at buzkashi games. The buzkashi that Mobin and I were able to see on my visit was the highlight of my trip...I can't wait to see more. Please let Mobin know that I'd be very interested in organizing a trip (maybe around Nauroz next year...?) where we could specifically find where the best games might be and make sure we could get access to photographing them. On my trip in March, our visit to the buzkashi match in Khenjan (near Doshi) was particularly interesting (although problematic, as Mobin well knows). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know of my keen interest in coming back to see more! Whenever you guys have the time, just let me know what time of year might be best to visit to see and photograph a number of buzkashi matches (I planted this idea with Mobin during my last trip!). Mobin is the expert in getting the best buzkashi photos, so I'd certainly trust his judgement! By the way, I am just getting to look at my photos from the last trip (I've been very busy at work since I got back in April). I'll post some online in the next couple of weeks and I'll let you know when I do. Best wishes -- and cheers

Kate Mansey

14 June 2008 "I would recommend Afghan Logistics to anyone travelling to Afghanistan. My driver spoke excellent English and was always professional, trustworthy and courteous. "Their local knowledge was invaluable and they had staff on call 24/7. "As well as providing good vehicles for Kabul, they were also able to provide 4x4 services elsewhere in the country." Kate Mansey, Reporter, Sunday Mirror (UK)

Kara Stevens

03 June 2008 "Dear Muqim, I wanted to let you know that Mobin did a fantastic job conducting the training for tourist guides in Band-e-Amir. He truly has a gift for teaching. Thank you so much for working with WCS on this training program. The contribution of Afghan Logistics was the most important component and I hope that with continued training and English education local community members will see increased economic benefit from tourism. We look forward to working with you again in the future and thank you and Mobin again for your commitment to helping the international community and the people of Afghanistan. " Kara Stevens, Wildlife Conservation Society/Afghanistan

Roger Atwood

29 May 2008 "Message for Muqim Jamshady. Muqim, my article on Afghanistan has come out in National Geographic! I am quite happy with it; I hope you like it, too, since you helped so much to make it happen. You can read it at the National Geographic Website, and if I go to Afghanistan again I will bring you a paper copy. Thanks again for all your assistance and your great professionalism. I would recommend you to anybody working in Afghanistan. All best," Roger Atwood, National Geographic (USA)

Ann Marsh

27 April 2008 "I appreciate that you sent the picture. It was a wonderful day and Mobin took some great pictures. He really is talented. Thanks him for me. Until the next time."

Kara, QT

08 April 2008 "Charlie, Afghan Logistics is a very good, reputable company. Their information is here.."

Derek Flood

30 March 2008 "Muqim, I ended up having a meeting with my old NGO friend from Mazar today. I didn't know what time we were going to meet so I had to leave the whole day open. I want to thank you for showing me great hospitality (and some nice Afghan food) and setting me up with Farid and Wasi for Mazar. I really appreciate your efforts and look forward to seeing you again when I come back to Kabul, insha allah! Thank you so much, ta shakur. " Derek Flood, USA Journalist

Ajmir Imtia, VICC

10 March 2008 "services with your firm, Really lovely!!! it is highly appreciated!!!" Wazir Najeeb Khan, Kabul ,Afghanistan


17 February 2008 "Good evening Muqim, yes, thank you, I'm very well. You are unbelievable and you really seem to be indefatigable as Bijan Omrani describes you in his book "Afghanistan - a companion and guide". How wonderful that you know Tony Wheeler and that he even stayed at your Guest House. Well, also Paul Clammer praises you a lot. Bravo! If you believe your guest house in Kabul is suitable for me with my wheelchair and the bathroom is accessible; so I would be very happy to stay there. (The Serena would be too expensive; no doubt...) Your revised itinerary looks wonderful but I have decided to stay 1 Extra Day in HERAT on 22nd May. Therefore the flight back to Kabul would be on 23rd May. In Kabul I would love to stay 1 Extra Day as well on 24th May to have time for places like : e.g. Ka Faroshi Bird Market, Shor Bazaar, Chicken Street and the Shop of the Bookseller, the Ghazi Stadium (!) and if possible the Orthopedic Center..... On 25th May the tour would end at Kabul Airport for my flight to Islamabad (will be booked from my side) You are right the Hotel Mazar is very old but I'm hopeful that it will be OK for me. The same I do hope from Marco Polo Hotel in Herat. I hope we can find a good solution in Bamyan as well. Thank you. Well, I think this is the decided program. Insh'Allah! I hope your guide/driver will be ready and willing in helping me and taking me around. A copy of my Passport will be sent to you by postal service. I shall look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, "

Dr .Husnia Sadat

10 January 2008 "Dear Sir , I just want to thank Afghan Logistics from their help and support for Oxfam that during our contract and after our contract finished and on behalf of Oxfam Novib manager I want to thank Hashum brother from his being very polite and very honest his perfect driving and his understanding when Oxfam need car. during his being as Oxfam driver all Oxfam member was happy from him and we appreciate his work. If it is possible for you could you send us our last month car charges cause Novib has to pay it "

Herve Tribot

06 January 2008 "Dear Muqim, I want to wish you, very friendly, a very good year to you, your family and all your team (particularly Mobin)! I keep in my heart the fantastic trip we did through ALT but I’m sad to imagine that such a trip couldn’t be possible anymore by these difficult time ! I say you again, Muqim: If you come in France one day, you’ll be my personal guest. PS : I’m glad to announce you we completely won in justice against Sadozaï; he has been condemned to pay us nearly 4.000€." Herve Tribot La Spiere, EXPLORATOR (FRANCE)

Explorator Trip

June 2006 Once again, let me thank you for the quality of your service and the kindness of your welcome. It was the first trip EXPLORATOR has organised to Afghanistan for about 30 years. We went with 9 French customers and visited Kabul, Band-e-Amir, Masar-e-Sharif, the Panjshir Valley and Istalif. Thank you for the excellent quality of your service. We had a fabulous trip. Each customer said so at the end of the trip. With my warm regards,

Gleb S. Igolkin

April 2006 Dear Friends, It's been a long trip back home since I left Kabul as I committed to couple of journeys straight after I arrived to my country. Please let me use this opportunity to thank you again for your great culture and hospitality which allowed this difficult press trip to happen. I would like to thank Mobin for his incredible patience and great ability of communication and of course for his great smile and sense of humor. I would like to thank my dear Muqim for top level organisation of transportation, accommodation, security services and this incredible tailor-made itinerary around the country. If this letter could be considered like a recommendation for the future travelers I would like to insist that they choose Afghan Logistics & Tours as their one and only partner in Afghanistan..... Happiness and the best of luck which you for sure deserve. I am really happy that I found people whom I can call friends without any doubt. Please remember that the doors of my house are always open for you as were the doors of yours in Kabul. I am sure I will come back, maybe just to have a cup of tea and a laugh.

Jackie Shorey

May 2006 We visited Afghanistan in May 2006 and used Afghan Logistics & Tours while we were there. Muqim was incredibly helpful in planning our trip to Bamyan and Band-e-Amir, which went very smoothly. Their driver was excellent and knowledgeable, the car was tough but comfortable and we felt completely safe in his hands. We warmly recommend the company to other visitors.

Stephen Callander

March 2006 Dear Muqim, As you know, we returned as scheduled to Kabul last night. I just want to contact you briefly. Mobin did a fantastic job and we could not have done what we did without his help and local knowledge. He is not only a really nice person but also an excellent driver, host and guide with a good sense of humor. We owe him a great debt of thanks. Sincere thanks to you also for organizing the whole thing. We really we have been lost without Afghan Logistics and Tours. You two are doing a great job and deserve to do well. If there were more people like you and Mobin, reconstruction of Afghanistan would proceed much quicker. You are great ambassadors for your country! ...

Josine Damen

November 2005 "Hi there! I just want to tell you how much we enjoyed the guidance and company of your company when we were in Kabul last November (through ANB bank). And I wanted to wish our guide/driver a happy New Year and we truly hope the people of your beautiful country will soon find peace. Best regards"
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